How vuejs outputs html in parameters within subcomponents

the case is that the project uses eliment ui, and encapsulates a subcomponent of the table component. The column of the internal fragment looks like this:

<el-table-column v-for="(item,index) in fields" :key="index" :label="item.title" :width="item.width">
    <template slot-scope="scope" v-html="">
        {{ item.content ? item.content(scope.row) : scope.row[] }} // 

where fields is a loop for each field of the data, and there is no problem when the display of the field is returned as text by content ().

but if you want to customize this internal style, you must add a button,. Here is the data part of the component:

// data:
 fields : [
    {title :"" ,width:"180",content:(row)=>{ // 
        return new Date(row.start).format("MM-dd hh:mm") + " ~ " + new Date(row.end).format("hh:mm D") + (row.clash !=null ? " [] " : "" )
    {name:"user_name" ,  title :"" ,width:"80" },
    {name:"product_name", title :"" , content:(row)=>{ 
        return "<button></button>";  //->
    {name:"title", title :""},

when the result is output, let"s say "< button > where there is a problem < / button >" when the text is output.

I don"t know what to do. Solve. Is the god here?


ide/syntax.html-sharp%E5%8E%9F%E5%A7%8B-HTML" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
double curly braces interpret the data as plain text, not HTML code. To output the real HTML, you need to use the v-html instruction.

<el-table-column v-for="(item,index) in fields" :key="index" :label="item.title" :width="item.width">
    <template slot-scope="scope" v-html="item.content ? item.content(scope.row) : scope.row[]">

method 1:

the basic solution is as follows: vue's createElement rendering function is used, but it needs to be modified. First of all, this is the case in the parent component data:

 {title :'', content:function(h){ 
        return h( 'el-tag',{
            attrs: { size : "mini" },
            on: {
                click: function (event) {
        }, '' );
 <template slot-scope="scope">
    <node-content :content="item.content" :text="scope.row[]" :row="scope.row"></node-content> // 

// compments :

components: {
    NodeContent: {
        props : {
            row: {}
        render: function render(h) {
            // content
            if(this.content) return,...arguments); //  
            else return h('span',this.text);
h createElement() createElementD

{title :'e', content:(row)=>{
return (
    <el-button onClick={()=> this.showSigns( } type="text" size="small" ></el-button>


<template slot-scope="scope">
    <node-content :content="item.content" :row="scope.row"></node-content>

 components: {
    NodeContent: {
        props: {
        render: function render(h) {
            return this.content(this.row);

{name:'address', title :'' , content:(row)=>{ 
    return <button on-click={($event) => this.handleClick($event) } ></button>; } }
NodeContent: {
     props: {
     render(h) {
          const node = this.node
          return (
               <span >{ node.item.content ? node.item.content(node.row) : node.row[] }</span>

<template slot-scope="scope" >
    <node-content :node="{'item':item,'row':scope.row}" ></node-content>

I can do this. I don't know how to solve @ moonwalkercui, whether I can post it, or if I can write render () directly in content: (row) = > {}
