About the refund of the order?


payment transaction serial number order number refund amount

order status and refund review (one of the after-sale returns and refunds) are separate

this problem is designed to the database design problem. If you designed it, you might as well think about it: a refund is a business? It needs to be processed manually, so you might as well design a table for processing transactions for review. Or it is OK to set up a separate refund form for review. If recorded in the form of state, although it is OK, but the performance choice, design choice may not be optimal. Keep the field, in fact, you just need to know which order is refunded, and then the reasons for the refund and other related information. Refer to Taobao and other websites.

which fields of payment need to be retained in the module of order refund?

the order number paid by the third party ID, the internal order number, the refund order number paid by the third party, the payment amount, the refund amount.

the status of the order and the approval status of the refund are put in one field, or are they open separately?

if you put it separately, you may not get a refund if you pass the examination and approval.

the question of landlord should be about database design, right?
cannot say whether it is correct or not, and there is no standard answer. This question should be considered entirely on the basis of your own project.

for example,
A payment platform has three data: order number, amount and time to be submitted at the time of payment.
and the reply result of the payment platform includes four data: order number, amount, payment time and payment result.
and we saved all four data, but also related to the user's information (such as user number), as well as product number, quantity, mailing address and so on.
now that the user has asked for a refund and submitted a refund request, then the data related to the refund must be involved.
then submit it to the payment platform for refund. The platform requires three items: order number, amount and refund reason.
then return the order number and the refund result.

so if so, what do you need to save? I can say that all the data is useful to me, or I can say that I just want the key data, but what is the key data? It depends on your project, for example, if you need to track the refund process at a later stage, you should have the corresponding data to keep, so there is really nothing to ask about this question, it all depends on your own project.

as for the order status and refund status, it also depends on your own project, but generally speaking, the order belongs to the sales category, and the refund belongs to the after-sales category. For the convenience of later maintenance, it is recommended to separate
