Please come in and take a look at my question. I have been urging you to come into contact with the yii framework project for the first time. There is no time to familiarize yourself with this framework at all. Please come in and do me a favor.

the problem is this:

I created a project on Yayun that was written in the YII framework! Now that is to say, my team clone the project down and install it locally for project development, and now the front end is in the tmp/assets/ directory. There are a bunch of random code folders, in which there are some stylesheets, the front end has modified the style here, and he has also sent these things to the cloud server. Other members also downloaded the project for their own development. Now, after other colleagues pull changed the style of the front end, it cannot be displayed locally, that is to say, the code is different. I have also tried to copy the style code at the front end directly to the tmp/assets directory, but it still doesn"t work, how to solve this problem.

I am a rookie who has not come into contact with the yii framework, because the project is in a hurry, and there is no relevant development experience around me, please do me a favor to answer this question! Thank you


tmp general php framework will use it as a cache, changing the things in it is basically equivalent to doing useless work.
yii framework I remember there is a physical book in version 1.x and a Chinese site in version 2.x. Let's run with Demo first
