How do the sub-component instances created by Vue.extend share the property or methods that are enjoyed by other parent components such as $root, $parent, and so on?

suppose the contents of user.vue are as follows:

export default {
    mounted () {
        console.log(this.$root , this.$root === this);
        console.log(this.$parent , this.$root === this.$parent);

user.vue as a normal component:


in test.vue
    import user from "user.vue";
    export default {
        components: {

the judgment result in the following user.vue mounted :

console.log(this); // VueComponent
console.log(this.$root , this.$root === this); // VueComponent(test.vue); false
console.log(this.$parent , this.$root === this.$parent); // VueComponent(test.vue); false

user.vue treat the component as a separate vue instance through Vue.extend :


in test.vue
    <div ref="con"></div>
import user from "user.vue";
export default {
    mounted () {
        let con = this.$refs.con;
        let _con = document.createElement("div");
        let render = document.createElement("div");
        let myComponent = Vue.extend(user);
        new myComponent().$mount(render);

the judgment result in the following user.vue mounted :

console.log(this); // VueComponent
console.log(this.$root , this.$root === this); // VueComponent(user.vue); true
console.log(this.$parent , this.$root === this.$parent); // undefined; false
As you can see above, the Vue subclass instantiated using Vue.extend belongs to an individual, so it is equivalent to directly using Vue to instantiate! It has nothing to do with the component that references them, and even if they are instantiated within a component through Vue.extend , it has nothing to do with that component!

the actual requirement is that I need them to be associated, because only using the Vue.extend method can render components dynamically at any dom location! And support the coexistence of multi-components! However, for example, after a component is instantiated through the Vue.extend method, I need the instance to be nested at the normal component level as normal components do, so that properties and methods shared with other parent components can be accessed through $root or $parent or vuex $store or $route in vue-router!

could you tell me how to implement it?


I don't know if I understand it correctly, but I think you can manually mount the most convenient $parent, to the components coming out of extend.
