Centos6.4 can ping, but its own Firefox browser can't go online.

centos6.4 can be connected to ping, but its own Firefox browser cannot be accessed on the Internet

methods used (found on the Internet):

Open / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

add two lines to it:



but I still can"t surf the Internet.


the external network can ping this CentOS?. Just because the external network can ping this server does not mean that this server can be accessed without service.
it is recommended that after logging in to centos, use the telnet command to test whether you can access Baidu and other websites. If not, it is most likely due to the firewall (IPTable) setting problem. If you are using Ali Cloud server, the default local firewall is not blocked. You need to go to the security group of Aliyun console to set the allowed target ports 80 and 443


generally there are some problems:

  1. Gateway is not set correctly
  2. DNS is not set correctly

because you set up DNS, later, it is more likely that the gateway will not be set up correctly.
