In iview, how to control the switch switch in methods?

this is the code:

<i-switch size="small" :value="isEnable" @on-change="switch"/>
    new Vue({
        el: "-sharpapp",
        data: {
            isEnable: false
        methods: {
            switchTokenLogin: function(status){
                this.isEnable = false;

what is expected is that when you click on the switch (whether on or off), it is always off, but the above code cannot reach it, and the page cannot be re-rendered normally when the value of isEnable is set. How do you solve this?


for the same requirement, no realizable method for directly manipulating switch is found, and other methods are selected to implement it. The method is as follows:

<div class="switch-box">
    <div class="zhe" @click="handlestatus(index)"></div>
    <i-switch v-model="item.enable"></i-switch>

JS part

handlestatus(index) {
    this.navList[index].enable = !this.navList[index].enable;
    let s = this.navList[index].enable;
    if (s) {
        if (this.showNavLeng >= 5) {
            this.navList[index].enable = false;
        this.showNavLeng += 1;
    } else {
        this.showNavLeng -= 1;

CSS part

.switch-box {
    position: relative;
.switch-box > div.zhe {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 44px;
    bottom: 0;
    z-index: 1;

iview has no corresponding function to control, but you can use the disabled property to simulate

<i-switch v-model="switch1" @on-change="change" :disabled="!(disabled && switch1)"/>

data () {
    return {
        switch1: true,
        disabled: true
methods: {
    change (status) {
        this.disabled = false
< H2 > 17:30 add < / H2 >

according to the link you sent, I thought that the before-change event had been added at first, but looking at the document, the source code did not find the corresponding content, checked the next three versions of the version update, and did not find the update content of the switch component before-change




value v-model






roughly explain why: unless the form is submitted, all data binding scenarios should be one-way binding, that is, based on remote server data, to update the state,-driven UI update of the store/ page. But the problem encountered here is that after the switch value is changed, it retains a state in which the value is cached inside the control, and the whole page will not be cleaned from memory without refreshing this state, resulting in a zombie-like state.
here is the solution: use before-change to prevent on-change events and ensure that switch does not trigger internal changes. Refer to the official example:

 // on-change
 return new Promise(resolve => {
                        return false

