How does Mini Program use global components?

problem description

I wrote a pop-up window, the need is to open Mini Program after a period of time to appear this pop-up window, do not limit the page! It is possible that users will appear this pop-up window on any page. How to do it?

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

before I saw that the answer was registered in app.json, how should I use it? there is no such thing as app.wxml. This pop-up window could be on any page.
< view class="bg_zz" catchtouchmove= "myCatchTouch" wx:if=" {{isBgWindow}}">
< view class="bg_window_border" >

<view class="bg_window">
  <view class="bg_window_close" bindtap="closeBgWindow"></view>
  <view class="bg_window_header"><image src="/images/bg_window_header.jpg"></image></view>
  <button  class="bg_window_loginbtn" open-type="getPhoneNumber" bindgetphonenumber="getPhoneNumber"></button>
  <view class="bg_window_link">
  <view class="bg_window_phonelogin">/</view>

the same problem. If there are dozens of pages that want to use this common component, won't every page write the tag of this subcomponent
