How does the iview poptip component close by clicking the OK button in poptip?

now the way to close poptip is to click on the place outside the poptip bubble to close, how to make it close after clicking the OK button?


how can I write in Create to close poptip after clicking OK? The method of closing bubbles is not clearly indicated in the official documents


well, I was too careless. There is a way to give this question in the document.

<Poptip v-model="visible">
    <div slot="title"><i>Custom title</i></div>
    <div slot="content">
        <a @click="close">close</a>

export default {
    data () {
        return {
            visible: false
    methods: {
        close () {
            this.visible = false;

bind a visible attribute to poptip to control whether it is displayed or hidden. Just convert its value between true and false.
