Vue parent component invokes child component method

parent index.vue

        <button @click="addUser"></button>
            <li v-for="user of userData" :key=""> <span @click="editUser("></span></li>
        <Add :show="showAdd"></Add>

import Add from "./add"
import Edit from "./edit"
export default {
  name: "index",
  components: {Edit, Add},
  data () {
    return {
      showAdd: false,
      userData: []
  methods: {
    editUser (id) {},
    addUser () {
      this.showAdd = true
When you click the add button, just display the form in the Add.vue component


editing is not easy, because the to be edited is passed in, and the data to be edited is obtained, and then the form

in the Edit.vue component is displayed.

the first way:

is to get the data to be edited asynchronously in the Index.vue component after clicking edit, and then pass the data to the Edit.vue component and display the Edit.vue component

        <button @click="addUser"></button>
            <li v-for="user of userData" :key=""> <span @click="editUser("></span></li>
        <Add :show="showAdd"></Add>
        <Edit :show="showEdit" :editData="editData"></Edit>

import Add from "./add"
import Edit from "./edit"
export default {
  name: "index",
  components: {Edit, Add},
  data () {
    return {
      showAdd: false,
      showEdit: false,
      userData: []
  methods: {
    editUser (id) {
            this.editData =;
            this.showEdit = true;
    addUser () {
      this.showAdd = true

the second way:

this.$ after clicking Edit Method (); passes id to Edit.vue component
, then Edit.vue component gets edited data and displays Edit.vue component
index.vue parent component

        <button @click="addUser"></button>
            <li v-for="user of userData" :key=""> <span @click="editUser("></span></li>
        <Add :show="showAdd"></Add>
        <Edit ref="edit"></Edit>

import Add from "./add"
import Edit from "./edit"
export default {
  name: "index",
  components: {Edit, Add},
  data () {
    return {
      showAdd: false,
      userData: []
  methods: {
    editUser (id) {
    addUser () {
      this.showAdd = true

Edit.vue subcomponents

    <div v-show="show"> </div>

export default {
  name: "edit",
  data () {
    return {
      editData: {}
  methods: {
    editUser (id) {
          this.editData =
 = false;

is there a better way to do this?


I don't know what result you hope to get. Just from the current code intelligence, you can see the following requirements:

if you look at these two methods alone, it is feasible, and the first method is more suitable. because your components are to be reused, ref is unique, so the coupling is too high .
it is recommended that you use the first method.

the first method is a data-driven view and should be officially recommended by Vue.
the second method is called by traditional components, and although Vue provides it, it does not seem to be recommended.

either way, you can pass in the ID or the entire model to the subcomponents. However, in the case of passing ID through Props, changes need to be detected in the subcomponents to retrieve remote data, so you need to be able to detect ID changes to trigger remote calls. There are three places to check

  • watch
  • beforeUpdate ()
  • updated ()

the border town upstairs is right!

depends on the requirements, whether it is a basic component or a business component. It feels good to encapsulate the logic, and the components are completely independent. Reusability is better than logic on the outside
